Feb 03, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Louisiana College is known for providing an excellent education at a cost well below the national average. We are the most affordable four-year private college in the state of Louisiana, and one of the least expensive private colleges in the nation.

Policies Governing Finances

The College enforces its financial policies in order to maintain a fair, consistent, and sound business relationship. Prior to enrolling at Louisiana College students should determine that they are able to fulfill these financial obligations. Students who are unable to meet their financial obligations will be withdrawn from all classes. Additionally, they will not be able to register for any upcoming semesters, view or receive grades, or receive transcripts. Students who have questions concerning payment should contact the Business Office at 318- 487-7452 or visit the Business Office located in Alexandria Hall, Room 148.

Payment Deadlines and Purge Dates

In order to complete the fee payment process and to avoid students’ courses and schedules from being cancelled, all students must login to the MyLaCollege portal, click on the FINALIZE Tab, and complete all steps in the “Student Check-In” window. Purge dates are posted online for fall and spring semesters and for summer sessions.

Note: Students who have zero or credit balances (a minus sign or “CR” indicates a credit balance) because their tuition/fees are paid by federal financial aid, or other credits are still required to “confirm” registration through the MyLaCollege portal.

Failure to complete tuition/fee payment and confirm the schedule by these deadlines will result in the purge/cancellation of the student’s class schedule. Students are responsible for the timely availability of their financial aid (Loans, Grants, Scholarships, etc.) in order to make payments due the College for tuition and fees by the payment (purge) deadline.


Payment in full is required at the time of registration. Anticipated financial aid will be considered if the student has completed all necessary actions required to qualify for and receive aid. Accepted forms of payment include: Cash, Check, Money Order, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express.

Payment Plan: Louisiana College has partnered with Higher One to provide students with the option of paying their tuition in monthly installments. Students must enroll in the plan prior to registration. Information is also available through the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office. This payment plan is the only plan accepted by Louisiana College.

NSF Checks: A fee of $20 plus bank charges will be assessed for handling each NSF check. Check writing privileges will be denied anyone who has written more than one NSF check to the college. Tuition payments returned NSF will result in the immediate withdrawal of the student from all classes.

All questions about outside financial assistance should be directed to the Business Office at 318-487-7452.

Financial Aid

All matters concerning financial aid are under the Director of Financial Aid whose office is located in the Admissions Office in Alexandria Hall. The amount of aid awarded a student is based on either scholarship or financial need.

Federal Student Aid

Students wishing to be awarded federal student aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Louisiana College should be designated as a recipient of FAFSA data. The FAFSA may be obtained from the Louisiana College Admissions Office or may be completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid for current guidelines.

Receiving and Maintaining Financial Assistance

Students should be aware that admission status (part-time, regular, alternative certification) determines federal financial aid eligibility and the amounts students are eligible to receive. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for federal financial aid.

Students on academic probation will be placed on Financial Aid Warning and will be eligible only to receive financial assistance for the first semester on academic probation, and they will be eligible to receive financial assistance for the second semester provided substantial academic progress was made during the first semester.

Students who are denied financial assistance due to unsatisfactory academic progress have the right to appeal the denial. Using the online form, students should place their appeal in writing to the Student Aid Appeals Committee and submit it via email to financial_aid@lacollege.edu. To determine if the appeal has been granted, students may call 318-487-7386 or email financial_aid@lacollege.edu. If the appeal was not been granted, the Financial Aid Office will send a letter explaining what can be done to regain eligibility.

Refund Schedule upon Resignation from the College

No withdrawal is official unless it is made through the Office of Academic Affairs, the Registrar’s Office, the Financial Aid Office, and the Business Office. To resign from College, the student should obtain a “Resignation Form” from the Registrar’s Office. The form can also be downloaded from the Registrar’s webpage. The student should then obtain required signatures and clearances from various campus offices. The resignation process is finalized once the complete resignation form is returned to the Registrar’s Office.

Refunds will be calculated as of the date the resignation process began as indicated by the Registrar’s date stamp on the resignation form.

The following tables indicate the current resignation refund schedule for tuitions and fees:

Fall and Spring Semesters

Resignation within: Refund Percentage:
1st day of class—5th day of class 100%
6th day of class—10th day of class 75%
11th day of class—15th day of class 50%
16th day of class—20th day of class 25%
After 20th day of class No refund

Summer Semester – Four-Week Term

Resignation within: Refund Percentage:
1st day of class 100%
2nd day of class 75%
3rd day of class 50%
After 4th day of class No Refund

This refund schedule begins with the first official day of class which is defined as the first day classes meet and not the first day of class attendance by the student.

Students who feel they have extenuating circumstances, such as personal injury, death of a family member, serious illness, etc., that may warrant amending the official resignation date may file an appeal with the Office of the Vice-President for Business Affairs.

**Federal regulations allow institutions to exclude an administrative fee of $100 or 5% of the total institutional costs (whichever is less) from Federal refund calculations.

Refunds for room and board are calculated according to the number of full weeks remaining in the semester or term.

No refunds of tuition or fees will be given to students whose enrollment is cancelled as a result of disciplinary action.

Enrollment at Louisiana College represents a contractual commitment by the student to fulfill all financial obligations (including repayment of financial aid) to the College regardless of when the student may cease to be enrolled.

Distribution of Refund Checks

Refunds resulting from drop/adds or resignations will not be made until after an audit of fees has been performed. Refunds resulting from resignations will not be disbursed to students until both Federal and Institutional financial aid sources have been reimbursed according to Title IV regulations. Credit balances resulting from application of financial aid will be available for refund according to Federal guidelines.

Title IV Financial Aid Recipients

In accordance with the 1998 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965, the refund policy for Title IV aid recipients has been changed to the “Return of Title IV Funds” policy. The law now defines the amount of Title IV grants and loans that the student has earned the right to use. The amount a student has earned is directly related to the length of time he or she has remained enrolled during the semester. The law requires that a certain percentage of Title IV funds be returned when a student resigns before completing more than 60% of the semester for which s/he received the funds. Specific information and examples regarding the Return of Title IV Funds policy are available in the Office of Student Financial Aid.