Jan 14, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading Information

Grading System

Louisiana Christian University employs a 4-point grading system with the standard marks, “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” and “F” as acceptable grades. A WIP designates a work-in-progress during the semester, but is not recognized as a grade. All faculty are required to submit final grades by the submission deadline established by the Registrar and the VPAA. If any student is not assigned a grade by the deadline, the Registrar’s Office will first attempt to contact the instructor of record. If the instructor cannot be reached, the Registrar will isssue an “administrative F” (F*) grade and will instruct the student to contact the instructor. The grade will remain an “administrative F” (F*) until the instructor submits a Grade Change Form. Only faculty members are permitted to request a Grade Change Form, and the Registrar’s Office will issue the form on a case-by-case basis. Once the Grade Change Form has been submitted to the Registrar’s Office, the “administrative F” (F*) will be removed from the student’s academic record. The only grade that the Registrar may assign without a Grade Change Form from a faculty member is an “administrative F” (F*). An “administrative F” will be designed as F* on the student’s record. Additional considerations of importance are as follows:

Students who withdraw from a course after the end of late registration through the ninth week will receive a “W.”

Students who withdraw after the ninth week through the 14th week will receive: “WP” if passing at the time of withdrawal. “WF” if failing at the time of withdrawal. (A grade of “WF” has the same effect as an “F” on GPA calculations).

For courses which are not of normal semester length, the department will specify the last day to withdraw with a “W” (approximately 60% of the course length) and the last day to withdraw with a “WP” or “WF” (approximately 90% of the course length).

A student may not use the withdrawal process to avoid an “F” that is given for violations of the Code of Academic Integrity, serious misconduct as specified in departmental documents, or an FA (Failure due to Absences).

Students may receive a temporary grade of “I” for a course they are unable, for acceptable reasons, to complete, but wish to complete. See the Incomplete Grade policy that follows.

Submitting Final Grades

A faculty member’s teaching responsibilities include providing grades honestly and fairly within the grading system established by the institution and within the deadlines specified by the Registrar. Louisiana Christian University recognizes the standard marks of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “F” as acceptable grades. A WIP designates a work-in-progress during the semester but is not recognized as a grade.

All faculty are required to submit final grades by the final grade submission deadline established by the Registrar and the VPAA. If any student is not assigned a grade by the deadline, the Registrar’s Office will first attempt to contact the instructor of record. If the instructor cannot be reached, the Registrar will issue an “administrative F” (F*) grade and will instruct the student to contact the instructor. The grade will remain an “administrative F” (F*) until the instructor submits a Grade Change Form. Only faculty members are permitted to request a Grade Change Form, and the Registrar’s Office will issue the form on a case-by-case basis. Once the Grade Change Form has been submitted to the Registrar’s Office, the “administrative F” (F*) will be removed from the student’s academic record. The only grade that the Registrar may assign without a Grade Change Form from a faculty member is an “administrative F” (F*). An “administrative F” will be designated as F* on the student’s record.

Grade Points and Grade Point Average

Grade points are awarded for each semester hour earned as follows:

  A 4 grade points
  B 3 grade points
  C 2 grade points
  D 1 grade point
  No grade points for any other grade

For example, students who makes a “B” in a 3-hour course earn 9 grade points. Student grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of semester hours attempted. For example, students who have earned 42 grade points while attempting 12 hours have a GPA of 3.50.

Incomplete Grades

If students are prevented from completing a course by circumstances beyond their control, a grade of “I” may be requested. Students may receive the grade of “I” provided they have attended 75 percent of the total number of class sessions, are passing the course, and are prevented from completing the course before the last day of the semester by a documented, extenuating circumstance beyond his/her control, such as deployment, natural disaster, medical illness or surgery, family emergency, death in the immediate family, or job relocation. Failing to attend class or turn in required course work does not meet the qualifications of an extenuating circumstance. The student must provide relevant support documentation, substantiating the stated circumstance, and the student must provide documentation from the instructor for attendance and grade. Students must submit a written request asking the instructor to report an “incomplete.” All of the documentation must be submitted with the “incomplete form” to the VPAA for final approval.

To deal honestly and fairly with students, incompletes should only be assigned to students who qualify for the extended time and should not be administered to prevent a student from receiving a failing grade or to allow the student more time to pass the course. An “incomplete” may not be given merely because students fail to complete all course requirements on time, nor is it an option that may be elected at their own discretion. It is a student’s responsibility to make specific arrangements with their instructors to complete the course work.

Students who are granted “incompletes” have until the date set by the instructor (but not later than the final class day of the next regular semester from the end of the term in which the course was taken) to complete the remaining course requirements. Any incomplete grade not removed by the date set by the instructor (but not later than the final class day of the next regular semester from the end of the term in which the course was taken) will automatically become an “F”.

Pass/Fail Grading Option

To encourage student development of a breadth of interest outside the Central Curriculum and the major program of study, the college permits students to be evaluated on a pass/fail basis during a regular semester when the following conditions are met:

Junior classification.
Minimum GPA of 2.25.
Registrar’s Office must be notified by the end of late registration. (Forms for this purpose are available in the Registrar’s Office.)
Students may take a maximum of 12 hours of course work pass/fail.

Courses in the Central Curriculum or the student’s major may not be taken pass/fail. (A few internship/practicum-type courses have been approved by the faculty for pass/fail grading. They are exceptions to these conditions.)

In rare instances, faculty may be unable to finish teaching a class as planned due to an extraordinary change in circumstances, such as a serious health issue that has been documented through Human Resources or the Office of the Provost. If a student believes the disruption may have caused an unfair change in the nature of instruction or grading, the student may petition the Provost to change the standard letter grading system to Pass/Fail. If a student has passed the course, a “P” or passing grade will not be calculated into the student’s GPA, but the student will receive credit for taking the course. A failing grade, however, will be calculated into the student’s GPA, and the student will not receive credit for taking the course.

Grade Reports

Grade reports are posted on the Louisiana Christian University website at the end of each semester. Absence and deficiency reports are posted prior to mid-semester for students who have deficiencies (“D” or “F”) and/or excessive absences. Students should check the Registrar’s Office page on the LCU website for information on how to obtain their grade reports.

Credit by Testing

Louisiana Christian University participates in the ACT, Advanced Placement, CLEP, Departmental Credit by Exam, and SAT testing programs. A student may earn a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit toward a degree in any one of the four programs. Overall, a maximum of sixty (60) hours of credit through testing may be applied toward a degree at Louisiana Christian University. A recording fee of $12 per semester hour is assessed for credit granted by testing.

Transfer Credit

Students enrolled at Louisiana Christian University are expected to complete their coursework in residence. Once students have enrolled at Louisiana Christian University, they may not transfer a course from any other senior or community/junior college except under extraordinary circumstances and by special permission of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Exceptions to this policy are considered only on a case-by-case basis. Louisiana Christian University will accept transfer credit only from regionally accredited institutions or from a recognized accrediting agency.

Prior Approval for Transfer Courses

Students enrolled at LCU who have been granted an appeal from the VPAA to earn credits at another college must obtain advanced written approval from the appropriate dean/chair/program coordinator and dean of the department/college of each course requested, and the University Registrar. Before enrolling in the course, the student must present the approval appeal from the VPAA and the course description from the institution from which the course will be taken and request a Transfer Credit Prior Approval Form from the Registrar’s Office. The approval appeal and the course description must be attached to the Prior Approval Form and must be first submitted to the student’s primary advisor for a signature approval. Student-athletes must also get signature approval from the supervising coach. The form with the attached documents must be submitted to the Transfer Credit Evaluator in the Registrar’s Office for final signature approval. Only after this form has been completed with all the required signatures and has been filed in the Registrar’s Office does the student have permission to take the course for transfer credit. Louisiana Christian University reserves the right not to accept courses for which permission has not been granted. The student must be in good standing at LCU before permission will be granted to take a course elsewhere during any term.

Summer Transfer Courses

Students may request permission to earn credit (hours only) at approved out-of-town institutions (institutions farther than 50 miles from LC) when LCU’s fall and spring semesters are not in session. If the requested course is offered at LCU using any instructional delivery system (i.e., online, on-campus, etc.) during the Fall or Spring term, then the course will not be approved for transfer unless the Vice President of Academic Affairs expressly waives this prohibition.

During the summer sessions, if the course is offered online through LCU, the student may not take the course at another institution. Local resident students must attend LCU and enroll in LCU’s courses unless a student has extenuating circumstances. If LCU is offering the course requested on campus during any designated term May through August, local students will not be permitted to take the course at another institution, and the requested course from a local institution will not be approved for transfer.

Reasons NOT considered for transfer approval include but are not limited to the following:

  • Course is less expensive elsewhere.
  • Course is closer to home or work.
  • Course is offered at a more convenient time to accommodate work or personal schedules, etc.
  • Course may be easier at another University.

Permission will be considered in cases where students are out of sequence in their major and LCU is not offering the necessary course(s).

NOTE: To transfer a course into LCU, the grade earned must generally be one of “C” or above. Check with the Office of the Registrar for transfer rules specific to outside institutions.

ACT Score

Students entering Louisiana Christian University from high school will be allowed advance credit in areas in which they scored at or above the 95th percentile nationally on the ACT under the following guidelines:

Those who score at that level in the scientific reasoning section of the ACT will be given three hours credit for natural sciences in an area in which the student shows specific high school preparation.

Those who score at that level in the mathematics section of the ACT will be given credit for MA 111 , (college algebra).

Students with an English ACT score of 30 or above may complete an essay entrance exam. A committee of three English professors will evaluate the essay and decide if the student will be granted entry into EN 102 . Upon successful completion of EN 102  with a grade of “C” or higher, students will be given credit for EN 101 .

Students with an English ACT score of 30 or above who transfer from another institution with credit by ACT score for Composition I and have completed Composition II at that institution with a grade of “C” or higher will be given credit for EN 101 .

Additional information and the form for requesting credit by ACT score is available in the Registrar’s Office.

SAT Score

Students entering Louisiana Christian University from high school who scored at or above the 95th percentile nationally on the Critical Reading/Writing section of the SAT may complete an essay entrance exam to be evaluated by a committee from the English department. If the student satisfactorily completes the essay, he or she may be admitted to EN 102 . Upon successful completion of EN 102 , students will be given credit for EN 101 .

Advanced Placement

Louisiana Christian University participates in the Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Board. Where available, the AP program provides high school students the opportunity to take college- level courses in their local area. Students who achieve an acceptable score on an AP examination may be given credit for certain courses in art, biology, chemistry, computer science, history, mathematics, music, physics and political science. Listed below are the AP courses for which Louisiana Christian University allows credit, the minimum required scores, and the credit that can be awarded. The form for requesting AP credit is available in the Registrar’s Office. A maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit earned through the Advanced Placement program may be applied toward a degree.

AP Course Score Credit Awarded
Biology 3 BI 101 , BI 160  or BI 161 * (3 hrs)
Precalculus 3 MA 115  (3 hrs)
Calculus AB 3 MA 218  (3 hrs)
  5 MA 218 , MA 318  (6 hrs)
Calculus BC 3 MA 218  (3 hrs)
  4 MA 218 , MA 318  (6 hrs)
  5 MA 218 , MA 318 , MA 322  (9 hrs)
Chemistry 3 CH 160  or CH 162  *(3 hrs)
Computer Science A 3 CS 250 , CS 251  (4 hrs)
Computer Science AB 3 CS 250 , CS 251  (4 hrs)
  4 CS 250 , CS 251 , CS 350 , CS 351  (8 hrs)
English Lit and Comp Exam 4 EN 101  and EN 200  
English Comp and Language 4 EN 101  and EN 102  
Government & Politics: United States 4 PS 225  (3 hrs)
Music Theory 3 MU 141 , MU 143  (4 hrs)
  4 MU 141 , MU 143 , MU 142 , MU 144  (8 hrs)
Physics B 3 PH 220  (3 hrs)
  4 PH 220 , PH 222  (6 hrs)
Psychology 3 PY 220  (3 hrs)
Statistics 3 MA 211  (3 hrs)
Studio Art: 2-D Design Portfolio** 3 AR 101  (3 hrs)
Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio** 3 AR 102  (3 hrs)
Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio** 3 AR 103  (3 hrs)
United States History 4 HI 105 , (3 hrs) or HI 221  & HI 222  (6 hrs)
World History 4 HI 104  (3 hrs)

*Department coordinator will determine appropriate credit.
**The student’s portfolio must also be submitted to the department coordinator.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Louisiana Christian University accepts credits earned through the College Level Examination Program. This program provides a wide variety of tests in subjects such as American government, introductory accounting, and psychology. Additional information about CLEP, including a complete list of courses and acceptable scores, is available from the Registrar’s Office.

CLEP credit examinations may not be taken for courses previously taken for credit or audit. A maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit earned through the CLEP program may be applied toward a degree.

CLEP Exam Minimum Score Credit Awarded
General Biology 49 BI 101  (3 hrs)
Principles of Management 50 MG 350  (3 hrs)
Financial Accounting* 50 AC 211  (3 hrs)
Introductory Business Law 51 BA 346  (3 hrs)
Principles of Marketing** 50 MG 334  (3 hrs)
Introductory Macroeconomics 50 EC 221  (3 hrs)
Introductory Microeconomics 50 EC 222  (3 hrs)
General Chemistry 47 CH 160  , CH 162  (6 hrs)
Educational Psychology 52 ED 295  (3 hrs)
American Literature** 55 EN 201  (3 hrs)
English Literature** 55 EN 200  (3 hrs)
Foreign Languages
Spanish 50 SP 101  (3 hrs)
  56 SP 101 , SP 102  (6 hrs)
French 50 FR 101  (3 hrs)
  56 FR 101 , FR 102  (6 hrs)
History & Political Science
American Government 55 PS 225  (3 hrs)
American History I: To 1877 55 HI 105  or HI 221  (3 hrs)
American History II: From 1865 55 HI 104  or HI 222  (3 hrs)
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 55 HI 104  (3 hrs)
Calculus / Elementary Functions 47 MA 218  (3 hrs)
College Algebra 47 MA 111  (3 hrs)
General Psychology 55 PY 220  (3 hrs)

*Course credit will not count toward requirements to sit for the CPA exam.
**CLEP Free-Response section required.

Departmental Credit by Examination

Various departments at Louisiana Christian University have devised tests for selected courses which a student may wish take for possible credit. Information about a specific exam should be requested from the appropriate department chairperson. The form for receiving departmental credit by exam is available from the Registrar’s Office.

Departmental credit examinations may not be taken for courses previously taken for credit or audit. A maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit earned through the Departmental Credit by Examination program may be applied toward a degree. The following courses are approved for Departmental Credit by Examination testing:


Division of Humanities: (Departmental exams are given upon successful completion (grade of “C” or higher) of the next course in the sequence.)

Elementary French I FR 101  (3 hrs)

Elementary French II FR 102  (3 hrs)

Elementary Spanish I SP 101  (3 hrs)

Elementary Spanish II SP 102  (3 hrs)

Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics:

Introduction to Computer Technology CS 150  (3 hrs)

College Algebra MA 111  (3 hrs)

General Chemistry CH 160  (3 hrs)

General Chemistry Lab CH 162  (2 hrs)

Division of Visual & Performing Arts:

Piano Lab MU 101  or 301 (1 hr)

Military Service Credit

Louisiana Christian University values the dedication and service offered by the men and women of the US armed forces. A student who has completed active military duty will be granted Military Service credit for such service on presentation of satisfactory evidence in accordance with the following chart. Military Service Credit cannot exceed 12 hours. All Military Service Credit will be awarded as HP credit.

Months of Active-Duty Military Service Military Service Credit Hours Awarded
4 months 1 semester hour (HP Credit)
6 months 2 semester hours (HP Credit)
Each 3 months in addition to the first 6 + 1 semester hours (HP Credit) not to exceed 12 credits*.

*For a student to achieve 12 semester hours of Military Service credit they must be in continuous active-duty for 3 years (36 months).

Military Academic Credit

Academic credit is available to military service personnel who have evidence of satisfactory completion of specific series schools. A copy of the service record (DD214 or DD295) must be submitted for evaluation and awarding the credit. Acceptance of academic credit is subject to the specific degree requirements of a chosen major while at Louisiana Christian University. Each applicant is evaluated individually, then the registrar’s office and the appropriate division chair will make the final determination of all credit awarded.

Individuals interested in receiving academic credit for courses taken at military service schools should submit a copy of the following documents (as appropriate):

Transcripts and documentation must be sent to:

Louisiana Christian University
Office of Admissions
1140 College Dr. Box 566
Pineville, LA 71359

Police Academy Credit

Louisiana Christian University values the commitment and service of all law enforcement personnel. Those professionals who desire to attend Louisiana Christian University and major in Criminal Justice have the opportunity to be awarded 3 semester hours credit in lieu of Criminal Justice Field Placement (CJ405). To receive this credit the student must have completed a 320 hour (or more) basic training course as prescribed and certified by the Louisiana Council on Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST). Those students who completed the training outside of the State of Louisiana must be able to demonstrate that the training transfers to Louisiana in accordance with Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 22, Part III, Chapter 47. Please contact the Human Behavior department for more information regarding this benefit.

Graduation Requirements

The faculty of Louisiana Christian University seeks to foster an environment in which students grow to maturity spiritually, intellectually and physically. As a community of learning and free inquiry whose academic program is presented from a Christian perspective, the university maintains those distinctions envisioned by its founders and reaffirmed by succeeding generations of students, faculty, administrators and trustees to whom the work of the University is entrusted. To preserve for its graduates these distinctions, the faculty has designed programs of study which include experiences in general education as well as proficiency in some particular area of knowledge. To these ends, a graduate of Louisiana Christian University will have done the following:

  • Earned at least 120 semester hours of credit, 42 of which must be on the junior-senior level.
  • Earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 overall.
  • Earned at least a “C” in each course of their major field of study.
  • Earned a minimum grade-point-average of 2.25 in their major field of study.
  • Taken all the courses of the Central Curriculum.
  • Completed a major and a minor or a concentration selected from those described in the catalog or individually designed by the student.
  • Completed 30 of the last 36 semester hours of course work at Louisiana Christian University.
  • Earned at least 25 percent of credit applied toward the degree through instruction offered by Louisiana Christian University.
  • Complete Spiritual and Cultural Enrichment requirements.
  • Completed 2 Experiential Learning Components (service-learning, internships, research, and/or study abroad)
  • Satisfied all financial obligations.

Some programs of study have additional requirements which must be completed to receive a degree. Those requirements are noted in the section of the catalog where the program is described.

Application for graduation from Louisiana Christian University must be made one year prior to graduation. Students may obtain graduation applications from the Registrar’s Office.

Commencement and Degree Conferred Dates

Commencement is a university ceremony in which the President, Board of Trustees, administrative and academic officers, faculty, graduating students, and their families and guests, assemble for the purpose of conferring degrees upon the newly certified graduates. The conferral of degrees is performed by the President and Provost with the approval of the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the faculty.

Formal commencement exercises are held in May of each year. Participation in the May ceremony is for degree candidates who have completed their degree requirements at the end of the fall semester of the previous year and for the current spring or summer semesters. Students who anticipate completing their degree requirements during the summer are permitted to participate in the May commencemenet; however, the conferral date on the transcript will correspond with the date degree requirements are completed as described below. LCU officially confers degrees three times a year. The conferral date is the date posted on the official transcript and is posted only after successful completion of all degree requirements. Participation in a commmencement ceremony is independent of degree conferral and may or may not be the same date. Degree conferral at LCU occurs on the last day of final exams at the conclusion of the Fall semester in December, at the conclusion of the Spring semester in April/May, and at the conclusion of the Summer terms in July/August.

  • The December degree conferral date is given to those students completing all of their degree requirements by the end date of the fall semester.
  • The April/May degree conferral date is given to those students completing all of their degree requirements after the end of the fall semester and during the winter break or by the end of the spring semester.
  • The July/August degree conferral date is given to those students completing their graduation requirements duing the summer semesters.

Students who do not complete degree requirements as anticipated by the end of the semester will earn their degree as of the next degree conferral date, provided successful completion of all requirements.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List includes students who have carried a minimum of 12 hours in the designated semester with a 3.5 minimum grade point average with no grade below “C.”

President’s List

The President’s List includes students who have carried a minimum of 12 hours in the designated semester with a 4.0 grade point average.

Graduation with Honors

Students who graduate with an honor point average of 3.5-3.69 will receive their degrees cum laude; those with an average of 3.70-3.89, magna cum laude; and those with an average of 3.9-4.0, summa cum laude.

A transfer student and/or student who is pursuing a second degree must meet these honor point average requirements both for his cumulative average and for the overall hours taken at Louisiana Christian University. Where differences occur, the lower value will be used to determine graduation with honors. A student must take at least 57 hours at Louisiana Christian University to graduate with honors.